Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wonderful Writing

We have been learning to use interesting words in our writing. We think this helps the reader to make pictures in their mind as they read. The reader wants to read on to find out more.
Joshua explained what his chicken house looks like and how it was built.

Enjoy Joshua's story about his chickens.

At home I have chickens and I live on a farm. I like living on a farm. I like animals but my big sister doesn’t. My big sister’s name is Alice. She doesn’t help on the farm. My favourite chicken is a rooster. He is white and he has a mohawke. His name is Mo but he has gone to my Nana’s and he is crazy. He is my favourite. He knows how to climb

Writing by Angus

I have some chickens named Milly and Molly. They lay eggs and I collect them. I sometimes eat them for dinner. They are black and orange. At dinner time they run into the cage and peck the food up. I have had them for three years.

Writing by Georgia

My neighbours have chickens and we have to feed them if the neighbours are not home. We collect their eggs. They hatch and now we have chickens. They sleep in a cage. They get water and milk. My chicken is called Caramel. It’s a black chicken. It drinks out of a bowl. It is a girl. I like it. The cat peeks inside the cage. My hen sleeps at night because she has babies. My hen jumps up to me to get fed. It flies around. Some of our chickens have spikes, red spikes. Some of the chickens are yellow and they are cute. The little ones have spikes and they are red. It has spots. My chicken likes eating. We have to feed them everyday. He makes a sound and goes around and around.

1 comment:

About Us... said...

Wow room 12, I can see you are using words to paint a picture! You are all very clever.

Maia's Mum